Philosophy 320A: History of Ancient Philosophy
Winter, 2001
S. M. Cohen


Required Texts:

Recommended Texts:

READING ASSIGNMENTS (only those in boldface are required; note that the page numbers in RAGP are to the second edition):

A. The Presocratics

1.  Introduction                         2.  The Milesians                       
 RAGP,  viii-xiii, 1-7                         RAGP: 8-14                             
                                               Ring: 1-34                             
                                               KRS: 76-162                            
                                               Hussey: 1-31                           
                                               Guthrie (vol. 1): 39-145               
                                               Barnes: 3-56                           
                                               McKirihan: 20-58                       

3.  Heraclitus                           4.  Parmenides                          
 RAGP: 24-34                              RAGP: 35-41                            
 Ring: 59-81                              Ring: 82-118                           
 KRS: 181-212                             KRS: 239-262                           
 Hussey: 32-59                            Hussey: 78-106                         
 Guthrie (vol. 1): 403-492                Barnes: 155-230                        
 Barnes: 57-81                            McKirihan: 151-178                     
 McKirihan: 116-150                       Reserve: Furley (on Parmenides)                      

5.  Zeno                                 6.  Empedocles                          
 RAGP: 59-63                              RAGP: 47-58                           
 Ring: 119-127                            Ring: 128-136                           
 KRS: 263-279                             KRS: 280-321                          
 Barnes: 231-302                          Burnet: 197-250                        
 McKirihan: 179-195                       Guthrie (vol. 2): 138-159              
 Reserve: Thomson, Benacerraf             Hussey: 127-148                        
                                          McKirihan: 232-291                     

7.  Anaxagoras                           8.  The Atomists                        
 RAGP: 42-47                              RAGP: 64-71                            
 Ring: 137-143                            Ring: 143-151                          
 KRS: 352-384                             KRS: 402-433                           
 Guthrie (vol. 2): 266-294                Guthrie (vol. 2): 382-404              
 McKirihan: 196-231                       McKirihan: 303-343                     
 Reserve: Kerferd                         Reserve: Furley (on the Atomists)                      

B. Socrates and Plato



C. Aristotle




Office Hours: Monday 11:00-1150 am and Wednesday 4:00-5:00 pm, and by appointment
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