Religion 358

This course introduces students to the various philosophies and theories that come to be grouped as "Theory."  We will try to discern how 'religion' or 'religious experience' is affected by this phenomenon of Theory. We will balance this academic study with more informal discussion of our presuppositions about 'religion' and theory.  By this approach the course sets out to accomplish the following objectives:

  1. Begin the semester's conversation with Kant and Nietzsche, two philosophers with and against whom Theory was formed;
  2. Canvass the major thinkers and approaches of Theory and their impact on the study of religion through reading, lecture, and discussion.
  3. Reflect formally (midterm paper and final project) and informally (class and e-mail discussion) on how the major texts of theory inform and/or change the students' understanding of religion.
  4. End the semester with student-led reflections on how religion is used in current media and with an application of theoretical lenses to such use.