UNC Charlotte | J Murrey Atkins Library & Department of Religious Studies| RELS 2101

medieval students getting their homework assignment Assignments RELS 1101
Introduction to Religious Studies

Spring 2002
This page contains hotlinks to assignments using the web. 
All assignments are given the class day before they are due. 

 EWR= Experiencing the World’s Religions, 2nd edition, Michael Molloy.

SQ= The Sacred Quest, 3rd edition, Cunningham and Kelsay

W 1/9 First class; course description. Bring The Sacred Quest with you to class Friday.

F  1/11 Religion: What is it?; Gabrielle Rico’s writing method; Credos.           . 
    Journal guidelines; fill out student info cards.

Assignment for 1/14: nada.

M 1/14 Small Groups:  Icebreakers.  

Assignment for 1/16: EWR pp. 1-23.

W 1/16  Why is there Religion?  The theories of Tylor, Freud, Otto, Jung.            

Assignment for 1/18. EWR chapter on Judaism especially pp. 265-285 and 299-316.

F 1/18 Introduction to Judaism.    

M 1/21 MLK Jr. Holiday.  No class.    

Assignment for 1/23:  Prepare spiritual autobiographies.

W 1/23 Small Groups:  Spiritual Autobiographies.               

Assignment for 1/25: Read through all items in “The Judaism Primer” http://www.torah.org/qanda/basics/texts/indexprimer.php3 .  Prepare a two page report on what you learned; make two copies (one to keep, one to turn in).

F 1/25 Jewish Theology and Anthropology.               

Assignment for 1/28:  Prepare Genograms.

M 1/28 Small Groups:  Genograms.                 

Assignment for 1/30: EWR chapter on Christianity esp pp. 321-346 and 378-400.

W 1/30   Introduction to Christianity.               . 

Assignment for 2/1: http://hirr.hartsem.edu/org/faith_denominations_homepages.html This site gives links to official websites for Christian denominations in the US.  Go to at least two websites and explore them, taking notes about what you perceive to be the distinctive features of each denomination.  Make two copies of your findings-- one to keep and one to turn in.

F 2/1  Christianity:  Creed, Cult, Code.               

Assignment for 2/4:  Prepare exercise on heroes and heroines. Bring journals to class with three entries of > two pages each.

M 2/4  Small Groups: Heroes and Heroines.                   

Assignment for 2/6: EWR chapter on Islam esp pp. 405-426.

W 2/6  Introduction to Islam              

Assignment for 2/8: Go to this site “About Islam and Muslims”: http://www.unn.ac.uk/societies/islamic/index.htm .  Look it over and take notes.  Go to their topical index on the Qur’an and copy/take notes on some topics of interest to you.  Or use this site for the Qur’an, indexed by topics in English: http://islam.org/mosque/TOPICI.HTM   Write up a two page report on your findings and make two copies  (one to keep, etc.).

F 2/8  Muslim Theology and Anthropology:   Deed over Creed.  

Assignment for 2/11: Prepare for in-class essay.  On getting prepared for the task of writing, see http://www.dartmouth.edu/~compose/student/ac_paper/write.html .


W 2/13.  No class.  Happy Valentine's Day from me to you.      

Assignment for 2/15: EWR chapter on Hinduism esp. pp. 59-90.

F 2/15:  Introduction to Hinduism.

Assignment for 2/18: Explore the Bhagavad Gita.  Go to this site and take notes on what you have learned about the Gita, including some verses [shlokas] or passages that interest you: http://www.geocities.com/somsram/indexhome.html   Make two copies of your notes and quotes. 

M 2/18: The Gita and the Yogas.

Assignment for 2/20: Read NINE WAYS NOT TO TALK ABOUT GOD by Raimon Panikkar; http://www.crosscurrents.org/panikkar.htm .  Bring in two copies of your summary and reaction to Panikkar's piece. 

W  2/20  Small Groups:  Images of the God.

Assignment for 2/22: EWR chapter on Buddhism esp.  pp. 105-132

F 2/22: Introduction to Buddhism: Theravada, Mahayana, Zen.

Assignment for 2/25:  Go to the Journal of Buddhist Ethics
—full text articles online. http://jbe.gold.ac.uk/   Read and copy an article of your choosing; bring it to class having highlighted and marked up your piece.

M 2/25: Buddhist Ethics. 

Assignment for 2/27:  nada.

W  2/27.  Small groups: "Power of the Small" from The Other Side by Walter Wink.  Read and discuss article in groups.

Assignment for 3/1: Read EWR on Taoism and Confucianism, esp pp. 191-219.

F 3/1: Introduction to Chinese Religions

Week of 3/4-3/8: Spring Break. Have a nice one.

Assignment for 3/11: Read excerpts from Benjamin Hoff’s Tao of Pooh at http://www.spiritsite.com/writing/benhof/index.htm , http://www.just-pooh.com/tao.html , http://www.geocities.com/Athens/5894/tao-pooh.htm . Write a two page review/reaction and make two copies. 

M 3/11: Taoism.
Assignment for 3/13: Read on filial respect and how to treat one's parents at http://online.sfsu.edu/~rone/Filial/filial.html. This site contains primary sources from a variety of religious traditions.  Write up a two page review and make two copies.

W 3/13  Film:  Healing and the Power of the Mind on Chinese Medicine.

Assignment for 3/15:  Read Sacred Quest chapter 9, "The Quest for Salvation." Highlight passages that got your attention and make marginal notes.

F 3/15: Salvation:  What is It?

Assignment for 3/18:  Bring journals to class.  You should have no fewer than eight two page entries by now.

M 3/18: Small Groups:  Exclusivism, Inclusivism, and Pluralism.

Assignment for 3/20: Read Karen Armstrong's piece on Fractured Fundamentalisms at
http://www.beliefnet.com/story/88/story_8849_1.html  and explore  The Journal of Southern Religion  on Fundamentalism in the South with an article by Sam Hill (and two responses) at http://jsr.as.wvu.edu/jsrlink.htm  Write two pages of your summary and reactions to these pieces. Bring in two copies of your paper.

W 3/20  Fundamentalism: What is It?

Assignment for 3/22: Read  Sacred Quest chapter 8, "Religion and Morality." Highlight passages that got your attention and make marginal notes.

F 3/22  Patterns in the Relationship Between Religion and Morality.

Assignment for 3/25:Go to Charles Trueheart's article, "Welcome to the Next Church," on consumerist Christianity at http://wwww.thatlantic.com/issues/96aug/nxtchrch/nxtchrch.htm. Read and compare with John B. Cobb, Jr. “Theology in the Twenty-First Century.”   http://www.religion-online.org/cgi-bin/relsearchd.dll/showarticle?item_id=41 .    In this article dated 1991, Cobb looks at religious pluralism, science and religion, post-modern thought and theology.  Write up a two page summary/comparison.  Make two copies.

M 3/25  Religion in the 21st Century.

Assignment for 3/27:  Read "Singing with all the Saints,"  http://www.theotherside.org/archive/mar-apr99/gallegos.html.
See also the homepage for this African Orthodox Church at http://www.saintjohncoltrane.org/ By adopting John Coltrane as its patron saint, a unique San Francisco congregation has raised questions about worship, cultural expression, and the future of faith. Be prepared to write in class about these questions and your response. ALSO prepare
Small Group exercise on artifacts.

W 3/27: Alternative Religious Traditions. Small Groups:  Artifacts.    

F 3/29: No class. 

Assignment for 4/1: Prepare for in-class essay.  For help with the writing process refer to http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/religion/essays.htm, especially the first half.

Assignment for 4/3: Bring "Wit" to class.

W 4/3: In class reading of "Wit." 
Assignment for 4/5: Bring journals to class on Friday.

F 4/5 Small Groups: Sources of Authority.
Assignment for 4/8: nada. 

M 4/8: In class reading of "Wit." 
Assignment for 4/10: Read Walter Brueggeman's "Hope in the Face of Loss" and make two copes of your summary and reaction. http://www.theotherside.org/archive/mar-apr99/brueggemann.html. Also bring to class The Sacred Quest.

W 4/10: The Problem of Evil.  Using chapter 7 of The Sacred Quest to outline responses to evil. 
Assignment for 4/12: Prepare answers for questionnaire on family systems.

F 4/12: Small Groups. Family systems: Rituals and Taboos, Religion and Values.

Assignment for 4/15:  Solle, Dorothee. "How We Speak of God." A personal reflection on omnipotence as a category for understanding the divine.
Find at http://www.theotherside.org/archive/jan-feb01/solle.html. Take notes and make two copies, one to turn in. Include quotes form the writing and your responses.

M 4/15: Video: "When Bad Things Happen to Good People" with Harold Kushner.

Assignment for 4/17: Take the Myers Briggs Online test, scored with results-- http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes1.htm AND
  Try both instruments and see if they correlate.
See also "Spiritual Quests and the Myers Briggs" at http://cbae.nmsu.edu/~dboje/teaching/490_psl/MB_spiritual.htm Write up your findings and bring to class.

W 4/17. Small Groups: Myers- Briggs, Jung, and your group.

Assignment for 4/19: Prepare a report of two pages (minimum) using internet and/or print sources. [Don't forget EbscoHost: Academic Search Elite or InfoTrac: Expanded Academic Index ASAP (Full-Text databases)which you can access from any UNC-C terminal (or use NC Live Password from your own computer).] Your report will explore the ways in which a religious tradition (your choice) envisions and commemorates a passage in life such as birth, puberty, marriage, death (again, your choice).

F 4/19 Celebrating life: Religious practices and their meanings. In class presentations of research findings.

Assignment for 4/22: nada.

M 4/22: Film.
Assignment for 4/24: Prepare small group exercise.

W 4/24 Small Groups: The Fly on the Wall.

Assignment for 4/26: Go to a theological dictionary and find out what it says about TWO of the following terms: Theology, Anthropology, Soteriology, Hamartiology, Eschatology, Cosmology. Write up a report of one page minimum per term and make two copies of your report, one to turn in.  Also bring The Sacred Quest to class.

F 4/26: Working definitions for key terms in Religious Studies.
Assignment for 4/29: Prepare for last small group. Bring journals.

M 4/29 Last Small Group: Closing Up the Shop.
Assignment for 5/1: Prepare for last writing.

W 5/1: LAST WRITING in class.
See http://www.tc.cc.va.us/writcent/handouts/writing/pospaper.htm on writing position papers.

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maintained by Celia Marshall, instructor Dept. of Religious Studies
last modified:  January 9, 2002

J. Murrey Atkins Library, University of North Carolina Charlotte