UNC Charlotte | J Murrey Atkins Library & Department of Religious Studies| RELS 2101

Assignments RELS 2101
Introduction to Western Religious Thought

Spring 2002

This page contains hotlinks to assignments using the web. 
All assignments are given the class day before they are due. 

SP= Sacred Paths of the West, 2nd edition, Ludwig (required text)

Course Syllabus

W 1/9    First class; course description.  Assignment for 1/11: nada.

F 1/11  Perspectives on Religious Experience.  Assignment for 1/14:  SP pp. 3-23; Discussion Qs 2,6,7,8,11.

M 1/14  Sacred Story.  Assignment for 1/16:  SP pp. 25-30; Discussion Qs 2-6.

W 1/16  Religion and Pre-History.  Assignment for 1/18:  SP pp. 65-73; Discussion Qs 1-5.

F 1/18  Ancient Mediterranean Religions.  

M 1/21  MLK Jr. Day.  No class.  Assignment for 1/23:  SP pp. 74-85; Disco Qs 1-7.

W 1/23  Zoroastrian Religion.  Assignment for 1/25:  Create ten good multiple choice questions on the material we have covered.

F 1/25  Wrap-up and review for Test #1.

M 1/28 Test #1.

W 1/30 Introduction to Judaism.  Assignment for 2/1: SP pp. 87-98; Qs 1-8 on p. 106.

F 2/1  History of the Covenant and Hebrew Scriptures

Assignment for 2/4:  SP 98-106; Qs 9-13.

M 2/4  Rise of Anti-Semitism.  Assignment for 2/6:  SP pp. 107-118; Qs 2,4,7,9,10.

W 2/6 Jewish Theology; Deed over Creed.

Assignment for 2/8:  SP pp. 119-132, Qs 1,2,3,4,10,11.

F 2/8 Sabbath Observance and Halakhah

Assignment for 2/11:  Go to http://www.facstaff.bucknell.edu/rlesses/Heschel%20on%20Shabbat.html   and read take notes on characteristics of the Sabbath according to Abraham Heschel.

M 2/11 Jewish Ritual.   

Assignment for 2/15 (Friday):  Read about Elie Weisel  using either library research or starting with http://www.achievement.org/autodoc/page/wie0int-1 on the Internet.  This site also includes a good interview.  Write a two page summary of your research and make two copies, one to keep and one to turn in.

W 2/13.  No Class.  Happy Valentine's Day from me to you. See above for assignment. 

F 2/15  Elie Weisel and Judaism after the Holocaust

Assignment for 2/18: Create ten good multiple choice questions on the material we have covered.

M 2/18  Wrap-up and review for Test #2.

W 2/20 Test #2.

F 2/22  Introduction to Christianity.  

Assignment for 2/25:  SP pp. 133-142; Disco Questions 1-6 on p. 157.

M 2/25 The New Testament Gospels and the Life of Jesus

Assignment for 2/27:  SP pp. 143-148; complete Worksheet on Early Church.

W 2/27 Early Church Heresies and Orthodoxies

Assignment for 3/1:  SP pp. 148-157; Disco Questions 9-13.

F 3/1  The Reformation.  

Spring Break:  Week of March 4-8.  

Assignment for 3/11:  SP pp. 158-169; Disco Qs 1,6,7,9,10.

M 3/11 Sin and Atonement
Assignment for 3/13: Conduct research on a Christian denomination or sect
. You may use library sources or go to http://religiousmovements.lib.virginia.edu/ online to research the Christian denomination of your choosing. Another reputable site is http://hirr.hartsem.edu/org/faith_denominations_homepages.html. Write up your results in 2 pages typed minimum with two sources and bibliography.

W 3/13  Presentation of research findings. 

Assignment for 3/15:  SP pp. 170-184; Qs 1,2,3,7,9,10.

F 3/15 Holy Days and the Christian Liturgical Calendar

Assignment for 3/18: Go to http://www.the-faith.org.uk/tertullian1.html. Skim the text by Tertullian (it's a long treatise) but make sure you take a look at the introductory material. Then go to http://www.hollywoodjesus.com/  and see what this site says about Christianity and our culture.  Compare Tertullian's point of view with that found in hollywoodjesus.com. Write up your comparison and bring two copies to class.

M 3/18  Christianity and Popular Culture.  

Assignment for 3/20:  Go to  www.wabashcenter.wabash.edu/Internet/1901-2000theologians.htm  which will give you Web sites and links for some twentieth century Christian theologians. This list is arranged in chronological order, beginning with the earliest authors.   Choose one and explore the thinking of a twentieth century theologian.  [You may use another theologian who is not on this list, but include your source.]  In two pages, answer these Qs:  With what issues is your theologian concerned? What do you read about the future of theology in the next millennium? Make two copies of your report-- one to keep, the other to turn in.

W 3/20  Presentation of research on a 20th century theologian.

Assignment for 3/22: Create ten good multiple choice questions on the material we have covered.

F 3/22 Wrap-up and review for Test #3.

M 3/25  Test #3.

W 3/27  Introduction to Islam

F 3/29. No class. 

Assignment for 4/1:  SP pp. 185-195.  Disco Qs 1-6 on p. 208.

M 4/1  The Life of Muhammad

Assignment for 4/3: Write up a comparison/contrast of these two Muslim authorities on a particular issue of your choosing:   “Islam Questions and Answers” at  and “Muslim Answers” at http://www.muslim-answers.org/ 

W 4/3 Islam and Morality.

Assignment for 4/5:  SP pp. 198-208; Disco Qs 9,10,12,13.

F 4/5   Sufism, Reform Movements, and the Modern World.  

Assignment for 4/8:  SP pp. 210-220; Disco Qs 2,4,6,7,10.

M  4/8  There is no God but God.

Assignment for 4/10:  SP pp. 221-235; Disco Qs. 1,2,3,7,9,10.

W  4/10  The Five Pillars

Assignment for 4/12: Use the internet or the library to conduct research on a Muslim practice; 2 pages typed minimum with two sources and bibliography.

F   4/12   Presentation of research findings on the practice of Islam

Assignment for 4/15: Go to  http://www.greatbooks.org/programs/religions/islam/print.html and this site for The Noble Qur’an which is  indexed by topics in English: http://islam.org/mosque/TOPICI.HTM . Pick a few topics (e.g. Angels, Intoxicants, Predestination) and read all references to these topics found in the Qur’an.  Write up your findings and make two copies to bring to class.

M 4/15   Readings from the Qur’an

Assignment for 4/17:  Go to http://www.arches.uga.edu/~godlas/islamwest.html The Islamic Impact on America or http://www.al-islam.org/al-serat/reflect-nasr.htm.  Explore the site and take notes on what you learn about contemporary Islam.                                  

W  4/17   Islam and Modernity.  Assignment for 4/19:  Mysticism in Western Religious traditions.  Go to http://www.digiserv.com/mystic/    Explore this site and take notes on your findings.  ALSO:  Topics for final projects due.

F 4/19  Mysticism. 

Assignment for 4/22: Create ten good multiple choice questions on the material we have covered.

M 4/22  Wrap-up and review for Test #4.

W 4/24  Test #4.

Week after last test:  Final projects presented in class.  All papers are due no later than 5/1.  Sorry, no late papers accepted.   

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maintained by Celia Marshall, instructor Dept. of Religious Studies
last modified: January 10, 2002

J. Murrey Atkins Library, University of North Carolina Charlotte