RELIGION 166: Current Reading Assignment

DelugeSubsiding of the Waters of the Deluge, 1829 by Thomas Cole from the NMAA

From inside the deep recesses of a cave, we see the first rays of dawn cross the forbidding landscape. Tell-tale evidence of the flood emerges: a skull washed up beside the large rock at the bottom center of the composition, the ark floating free in the path of light, and a dove suspended in flight between the ark and the rocky shore. Beyond the chaos and twisted tree trunks, a soft, purplish radiance has embraced the ark, signifying the return of God's favor to a world cleansed of its former sins. A sense of wonder and terror pervades the scene.

The Current Assigment is pages 501-553 in the Textbook. This material is to be ready by December 8, 1995. For 5 points extra credit, read Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech or "The Letter from the Birmingham Jail" (links are on the African-American Bibliography Page), and write a one paragraph response.

For additional extra credit, visit the Christian Coalition Home Page. Read some of the Coalition's policy statements, and visit a number of sites on the page. What do you find most surprising, most objectionable, and what do you agree with most. Other comments and observations are welcome.

The last extra credit assignment will be to write a response to the material found on the Home Page of the Aryan Nations.