Reading Questions for Islam:

  1. Compare and contrast what you know about the biography of Muhammad with that of Confucius, the Buddha, and Jesus (e.g., personalities, socio-historical conditions, style of teaching and leading, method of influence, etc.).  (see pp. 222-231)
  2. What is the literal meaning of the term 'Allah', and what is the significance of this meaning?  (see p. 222)
  3. What is the meaning of the phrase referring to Muhammad as the "seal of the prophets"?  (see p. 223)
  4. What 3 reasons does Huston Smith give for the "violent reaction" to Muhammad's message?  (see p. 227)
  5. What do Muslims mean when they refer to the koran as the 'standing miracle'?  And how do Muslims distinguish the koran from both the Jewish and Christian bibles?  (see pp. 231-235)
  6. Identify and explain the five pillars of Islam.  (see pp. 242-248)