What lifted the Jews from obscurity to permanent religious greatness was their passion for meaning.

Meaning in God:

  1. Resisted the prosaic by personifying the ‘Other’
  2. Resisted chaos by emphasizing divine unity, or the ‘oneness’ of God
  3. Resisted amorality by proclaiming the righteousness of God
  4. Resisted hostility by portraying God as a loving God

Meaning in Creation:

  1. To affirm that existence is God-created is to affirm its value and worth  (e.g., Genesis account of creation:  “It is very good”)
  2. Problem of Evil:
  3. Positive regard for the material world
    1. material aspects of life are important
    2. material can participate in salvation
    3. nature can host the Divine

Meaning in Human Existence:

  1. Humanity created in the image of God
  2. Acutely aware of human limitation
  3. Sinfulness of humanity  (sin = ‘to miss the mark’)
  4. Affirm human freedom and responsibility

Meaning in History:
History is the arena of God’s purposive activity

  1. Context/Arena of Human life
  2. Tells story of Social Action
  3. Purposeful field of opportunity
  4. Record of Decisive Events - includes God’s intervention in human history, and special calling of family of Abraham as God’s chosen people

Meaning in Morality/Justice: