Writing the Scholarship of Teaching in Theology and Religion
The colloquy will gather a group of experienced and critically reflective teachers for an extended process of writing and conversation about the scholarship of teaching and learning. Participants will work on their own article-length manuscript, engage in peer review, and hone their writing skills. We will reflect together on our teaching practices and discuss the value of this type of writing to the field and individual teachers. Participants will complete assignments before each session, and produce a completed full manuscript draft by the final meeting in July 2020, ready for submission to a journal and outside blind peer review.
Front Row: *Eugene Gallagher (Connecticut College), Miriam Perkins (Emmanuel Christian Seminary at Milligan), Jamal-Dominique Hopkins (Allen University), *Tom Pearson (Wabash Center), Lynn Neal (Wake Forest University), Ingie Hovland (University of Georgia). Back Row: John Thatamanil (Union Theological Seminary),Jeremy Posadas (Austin College), Sharday Mosurinjohn (Queen’s University), Judith Bishop (Mills College), *Kwok Pui Lan (Candler School of Theology-Emory University), Velma Love (Allen University), Rachana Umashankar (Iona College), Patricia O’Connell Killen (Pacific Lutheran University Emerita), Christopher Tirres (DePaul University). *leadership/staff
- First session:
June 3-8, 2019, Wabash College - Second session:
February 6-9, 2020, Wabash College - Third session:
July 22-25, 2020, Online
Leadership Team
- Eugene V. Gallagher, Connecticut College Emeritus
Associate Editor, The Wabash Center Journal on Teaching - Kwok Pui Lan, Candler School of Theology
Associate Editor, The Wabash Center Journal on Teaching
- Support each participant’s process to conceive, draft, refine, and complete a publishable manuscript
- Create and sustain a cooperative cohort of authors in the scholarship of teaching and learning
- Discuss marks of quality in the scholarship of teaching and learning to help The Wabash Center Journal on Teaching refine its standards of quality and communicate them clearly to potential authors
- Strengthen the network of scholars involved with The Wabash Center Journal on Teaching
Participants will receive an honorarium of $2,500 for full participation in the three colloquy sessions, plus local expenses and travel. Participants will also receive $500 for submission of an article manuscript on teaching to either The Wabash Center Journal on Teaching, or some other appropriate academic journal by December 31, 2020.
Participants and Projects:
Judith Bishop, Mills College
“Instantiating Transformation: The Role of Reflection and Metacognition in Community Engaged Learning”
Jamal-Dominique Hopkins, Allen University
“Turning Racially Traumatic Experiences into Positive Pedagogical Approaches”
Ingie Hovland, University of Georgia
“Writing to Read and Reading to Write: Integrating Disciplinary Content and Skills in the Undergraduate Religion Classroom”
Patricia O’Connell Killen, Pacific Lutheran University Emerita
“Pedagogy, Animating Theological Visions, and the Work of Transmitting Faith Heritage and Sensibility in Religiously Inspired Colleges and Universities”
Velma Love, Allen University
“Narrative Pedagogy and the Parables of Jesus
Sharday Mosurinjohn, Queen’s University
“Threshold Concepts in the Study of Religion”
Lynn Neal, Wake Forest University
“Diversity and Digital Assignments”
Miriam Perkins, Emmanuel Christian Seminary at Milligan
“Beyond the Building: Accessing and Unleashing Leadership Potential in the Seminary Classroom”
Jeremy Posadas, Austin College
“Conceptualizing Learning as Emotional Labor”
John Thatamanil, Union Theological Seminary
“Acquiring Binocular Vision: On the Teaching and Learning of Interreligious Wisdom”
Christopher Tirres, DePaul University
“Stories of Solidarity: Interfaith Engagement with Detained Immigrants.”
Rachana Umashankar, Iona College
“The Qur’an in the Classroom: Text, and Beyond Text”
Applications due January 15, 2019

For More Information, Please Contact:
Nancy Lynne Westfield, Director
Wabash Center
301 West Wabash Ave.
Crawfordsville, IN 47933