Phl 340 / Hms 410:   PAPER TOPICS
w. dates of presentations

Lisa Calendar:   Tues. April 11
Van Meter criticizes the philosophy of Albert Camus on the grounds that the existential approach disconnects the human person's inner freedom from the rest of the universe.

Matt Eggemeier:  Thurs. April 13
Will compare the theologies of Karl Rahner and von Balthazar on the role of free choice in their theories of universal salvation, with some background of traditional theology on the issues.

Luke Jensen:  Tues. April 11
Simone de Beauvoir raises basic questions about the conditions for inner freedom, worth exploring further (specific sources not yet given).

Brent Scovik:  Tues. April 18
In many social contexts abused women have limited freedom to be themselves.  (Sources not yet identified.)

Nick Siler:  Thurs. April 13
Will analyze Karl Barth's criticism of Nietzsche's philosophy of life in Thus Spak Zarathustra and The Will to Power, with the help of some current critical commentary.

Scott Wagner:  Thurs. April 13
Whether juveniles should be tried as adults, a currently debated issue, depends on how responsible juveniles are able to be.  From a variety of current sources in law and criminology and pyschology, some initial conclusions are possible

Becky Yerman:  Tues. April 11
Will compare the two distinct theories of liberation in Simone de Beauvoir and Frantz Fanon'a analyses of the condition of the oppressed, as they appear in The Second Sex and Black Skin, White Masks.

Others:  Tues. April 18.

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