1. A persistent effort to understand the unfamiliar empathetically and the familiar as if one were a stranger.

2. Completion of assigned readings on schedule (see course schedule) and thoughtful reflection upon them, for the sake of

3. Regular participation in class sessions, including:

4. [for the "civility challenged"] Conduct appropriate to collegiate study and learning, including, but not limited to the following considerations:

5. Participation on an R204 study team of at least one other person throughout the course, in preparing for your exams, and in preparation for and writing of your paper.  By the end of the second week of the course (Oct. 9), you and your teammates must identify yourselves as a team to me in writing. (You will be asked to fill out and hand in a confidential evaluation of participation on this team of your teammate(s) and of yourself.)

6. Two out of three in-class multiple-choice examinations.

7. A term paper: either a Research Project (Option I) or an Essay Book Review (Option II).

8. A Journal of your personal responses to and personal reflections on your growing empathetic acquaintance with the three traditions we are studying.

9. A serious attempt to arrange your schedule to participate in the optional all-day Field Trip, Thursday, October 15.

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Direct suggestions, comments, and questions about this page to Dale Cannon. Last Modified 9/18/98

Western Oregon University