Due: March 19/April 14 (see revised course schedule)

Your assignment is to write a paper about Max Weber's famous study, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. Your paper is to be 6-8 pages in length (typed double-spaced and stapled); no independent outside research is required for it. It should address the following issues:

1) What is the study about? Why is this topic important?

2) What is Weber's argument? (Go into detail!)

3) In what ways did Weber take on Marx?

4) How did Weber proceed in making his argument?

5) What are the strengths of this study, and why has it been so tremendously influential in sociology?

6) Given Weber's focus on the link between the vocational ethos of modern capitalism and religious beliefs, actions, and organizations, what did Weber deliberately not study?

7) In your view, are there weaknesses of Weber's study? (Be very specific!)

One of my professors in graduate school once gave me "A Guide to Writing Papers," which is posted on my web site. You will find it helpful in writing your paper; please read it closely. (I also posted a "Style Guide.") The first version of you paper is due March 19.

You will also be required to rewrite your paper in light of my comments on the original version. This rewrite is mandatory; it is designed to maximize your learning experience. The rewrite is due April 14. Please hand in both the rewrite and the first version.