SOC302 Project 4

For project 4, you have two options.

Option 1: Multimedia Application Assignment: On Common Ground (continued)


For this assignment, describe and comment on similarities and differences between different communities of one particular religion. Therefore, choose one religion or faith, and study the different groups documented on the CD that practice that faith or religion. For example, do Islamic communities all look alike, or do there seem to be differences among them? If there are differences, what are they?


Option 2: Your Choice


You can pretty much do whatever you like. If you choose this option, it is your responsibility to propose a project, to communicate with me about your project’s feasibility, and to write a paper about it.



For either option, I will ask you to give your paper to one other student in this class to give you written feedback. Indicate whom you would like to get feedback from.


Paper: A two-page paper (no longer, please!), in the usual format.

Feedback: You can correct mistakes in the student’s paper by hand. Write one page about the papers’ strengths and weaknesses.