SYLLABUS Theology 103-01:WORLD RELIGIONS:Spiritual Experiences of Humankind

Mon., Wed., and Fri.: 9:00 A.M. - 9:50 A.M.;GAR. 230 Fr.(Dr.)Daniel P. Madden,O.P.,Ph.D.(Th.),S.T.D. Office:FAR 209/Gar.216; Phone:899-3444; Hours:-8:30 A.M.-8:55 A.M.; 12:00 P.M.-12:55 P.M.; 2:00 P.M. - 2:55 P.M. (Fall: Aug. 26 [Mon.]-Dec. 6[Fri.], 1996) Home-(in emergency,between 5:15-6:55P.M.ONLY 864-6593)

1. Objectives of the Course:

Catalogue Description: A survey of the history, beliefs, practices and contemporary influence of the major religions of the world: Primal Spiritualities, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Shintoism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam; a discussion of basic methods for understanding religion

2. Purpose of the Course:this course has three purposes:

3. Required Texts:


5. Assignments:

6. Collateral reading;BIBLIOGRAPHY:


	Abbot,J,S.J.,Documents of Vatican II(or any other collection

		of the Documents).

     	Ahlstrom,Sydney E.A Religious History of the American

		People, 2 vols, Garden City, N.Y:Doubleday,Image Books,1975.

     	Beaver, R. Pierce et al.,eds.,Eerdman's Handbook to the

		World Religions, (Grand Rapids,MI.: Wm B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.

		1982) ISBN-0-8028-3563-5.

     	Brandon, S.G.F.,Dictionary of Comparative Religion,(N.Y.:Charles Scribner's Sons).

     	Burke,T.Patrick,The Major Religions,(Cambridge,Mass: Blackwell Publishers 

		Inc..1996)ISBN 1-55786-715-1.

     	Carmody, Denise Lardner and John Tully Carmody, Exploring American Religion,

		Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishing Company,1990.

     	Cleave, Richard, "Satellite Revelations: New Views of the Holy Land" in National 

		Geographic,Washington,D.C.:National Geographic Society, Vol.187, No. 6,

		June 1995.

     	Corbett, Julia Mitchell.Religion in American,Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall,1990.

     	Cole, W.Own, Five Religions in the Twentieth Century, (Chester Springs, PA:

		Dufour Editions, Inc. 1981. ISBN-0-8023-1272-1.

     	Feldman, David M., Health and Medicine in the Jewish Tradition, (N.Y.: The Crossroad 

		Publishing Company),1987

     	Frost,Jr.,S.E.,The Sacred Writings of the World's Great Religions, (N.Y.:

		McGraw-Hill Book Co,), 1972.

        Greeley, Andrew, Sociology and Religion (A Collection of Readings), (N.Y.: Harper 

		Collins College Publishers), 1995.ISBN 0-06-501881-8

     	Hardon, John, S.J., et al., eds., Hinduism, Islam, Jehovah's Witnesses,etc.(Chicago,

		IL.:Claretian Press),1967.

     	Holifield, E.Brooks, Health and Medicine in the Methodist Tradition, (N.Y.: The 

		Crossroad Publishing Company),1987.

     	Hood, Robert E., Must God Remain Greek?: Afro Cultures and God-Talk, Minneapolis:

		Fortress Press,1990.

     	Hopfe, Lewis M., Religions of the World, (Encina,CA.: Glencoe Publishers (2nd ed.),


     	Hudson, Winthrop, Religion in American, 4thEd., NY: Scribner,1987.

     	Hutchison, John A., Paths of Faith, N.Y.: McGraw-Hill,Inc.,1991 (4th Ed.).


     	Jones, Major J., The Color of God: The Concept of God in Afro-American Thought,

		Macon,GA:Mercer, 1987.

     	Knitter, Paul F., S.V.D., No Other Name, (Maryknoll,N.Y.:Orbis Books), 1985. 


     	London Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, Christian Faith and 

		Practices in the Experience of the Society of Friends, (London, Eng.,

		Headley Brothers, Ltd.), 1966.

     	Marty, Martin E., Health and Medicine in the Lutheran Tradition,(N.Y.: The Crossroad 

		Publishing Company),1987.

     	---------------, Pilgrims in Their Own Land: 500 Years of Religion in American, 

		Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1984.

     	Matthews, Warren, World Religions, St.Paul, MN: West Publishing Company, 1991.

		ISBN 0-31482972.*

     	McCormick, Richard A., Health and Medicine in the Catholic Tradition, (N.Y.:

		The Crossroad Publishing Company), 1987.

        Murphy, Joseph M., Working the Spirit: Ceremonies of the African Diaspora, Boston,

		Ma: Beacon Press, 1995.

     	----------------, SANTERIA: African Spirits in American, Boston, Ma.: Beacon Press, 


     	Noss, John B., Man's Religions, N.Y: Macmillan Publishing Co, Inc., 1988. 

		ISBN 0-02-388440-1

     	Numbers, Ron.& Amundsen,Darrel (Eds.), Caring and Curing, (N.Y.: Macmillan Publising 

		Company), l986. ISBN 0-919270-6

     	Paden, William E.,Religious Worlds,The Comparative Study of Religion, (Boston, MA.: 

		Beacon Press), 1988. ISBN-0-8070-1211-4

     	Rahman, Fazlur, Health and Medicine in the Islamic Tradition, (N.Y.: The Crossroad 

		Publishing Company), 1987 ISBN 0-82435-0797-5

     	Ross, Nancy Wilson, Three Ways of Asian Wisdom, (N.Y.:Simon and Schuster),1966.

     	Rosten, Leo, Religions in America, N.Y: Simon and Schuster, 1963.CC.55-7133

     	Schimmel, Annemarie, Islam, An Introduction, (N.Y.: SUNY Press, 1992. 

		ISBN 0-7914-1328-4

     	Sharpe, Eric J.Comparative Religion-A History, (N.Y.:Charles Scribner's Sons),

		1975 ISBN-0-684-14675-4

     	Smart, Ninian, The Religious Experience, N.Y.: Macmillian Publishing Company,

		1991 (4thEd.). ISBN 0-02-412735

     	Smith, David H., Health and Medicine in the Anglican Tradition, (N.Y.: The Crossroad 

		Publishing Company), 1987.

     	Smith, Huston, The Religions of Man, (N.Y.: Harper and Row Publishers), 1958

		(F.P.I.ed.) I.C. 56-11923

     	Vaux, Kenneth L., Health and Medicine in the Reformed Tradition, (N.Y.: The Crossroad 

		Publishing Company), 1987

     	Wimbush, V. & Valantasis, R. (Eds.) Asceticism, N.Y.: Oxford University Press, 1995.

		ISBN 0-19-508535-3

     	Weir, Robert F.Gen.ED., The Religious World: Communities of Faith, (N.Y.: Macmillan 

		Publishing Co., Inc.), 1982. ISBN-0-02-317480

7. Tests:(and Reading assignment Quizes[no make ups],unless excused by professor): Mid-term and Final(confer the schedule on assignment pages).

8.Grade Evaluation:


     	Report & Discussion........................(30%)

     	Class Participation*.......................(10%)including attendance & interactivities


* Class participation - If a student misses more than 3(Summer- Semester,1 class is equalivant of 3) scheduled classes and no acceptable excuse is offered, then the student automatically loses this 10% of the Final Grade. The absentee/tardy policy of the School of Arts and Sciences in binding for this class;i.e.,six absences will automatically result in a grade of "F" in the course, and two tardinesses are equivalent to one absence. There will be 4 Quizes (or more) on the reading materials and Chart on the History of World Religions and parallel dates of relativity, given during the semester, which will constitute the 10% of the grade. No make ups for unexcused absences will be allowed for these quizes. Opportunities will be given in class for the students to ask questions, discuss, listen in silence,etc. to contribute to this evaluation, as well as, class attendance. If you are more than 10 mins. late for class(without explanation) you are considered absent automatically. Communication is two sided: speaking and listening; if you are absent,you miss out on both and the other students miss out on your shared ideas.

			A =      92 - 100%(Total Grade at the end of the Semester)

			B =      87 - 91       "

			C =      70 - 86       "

			D =      65 - 69       "

			F =      below 65      "

Grades will not be posted, students will receive their report of grades from the registrar's office upon completion of all University requirements.

'Cheating',in any (subject to the professor's decision) form,will merit an automatic "F" Grade in the course, in justice to the other students. All statements in the student mannual are binding on the students, in this and other matters regulated therein.

Fr. Madden / August-96