Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

This class will meet at 2:10 on Tuesday and Thursday in OM 201 Office Hours will be Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 9:30 – 11:30; Tuesday and Thursday 12:00 – 2:00; and by appointment.
Week 1. Introduction to the Bible.
Tuesday. 1/20
Introduction. Contents of the Bible: the Old Testament and the New Testament. The terms of the study.
Assignment: look at the class webpages, especially the description of the course. Read Hayes' Introduction to the Bible, Part One, sections 1 & 2.

Thursday. 1/22
The canonization of the Jewish Bible.

Week 2. The History of the Bible.
Tuesday. 1/27
The manuscripts and papyri etc. Translating the Bible into English.

Thursday. 1/29: Guest Lecturer, Dr. Sara Melcher.
Biblical criticism.

Week 3. History in the Old Testament.
Tuesday. 2/3: Guest Lecturer, Dr. Roman Garrison.

Thursday. 2/5
Geography of Palestine.
The Age of the Patriarchs.
The Hebrews in Canaan.

Week 4. History in the Old Testament,, continued.
Tuesday. 2/10
The United Monarchy under Saul, David, and Solomon.

Thursday. 2/12: Guest Lecturer, Dr. Kang-Yup Na.
Division and Exile.

Week 5. History in the Old Testament, continued.
Tuesday. 2/17
The Return from Exile, Ezra and Nehemiah.
The Rise of Hellenism and the Graeco/Roman Empire.

Thursday. 2/19
Quiz #1

Week 6. The Literatures of the Bible. Prophecy.
Tuesday. 2/24
The Rise of the Prophets: Amos, Hosea, Isaiah.
Thursday. 2/26
Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Deutero-Isaiah.

Week 7. Wisdom and Apocalyptic Literature.
Tuesday. 3/3
Wisdom Literature.
The Story of Job.

Thursday. 3/5
Quiz #2.

Midsemester Break Saturday March 7 to Sunday March 15

Week 8. Consolidation and Consideration.
Tuesday. 3/17
Apocalyptic Literature, especially the Book of Daniel (282-288).

Thursday. 3/19
Video: Mightier than the Sword.
Introduction to the New Testament: Contents

First paper due Thursday 19th March.

Week 9. The New Testament.
Tuesday. 3/24
The Quest for the Historical Jesus. The Jesus of History and the Christ of Faith.

Thursday. 3/26
The Synoptic problem and the priority of Mark.
The "cleansing" of the Temple.

Week 10. Some Gospel Narratives.
Tuesday. 3/31
Themes in the Gospel of Mark.
The arrest of Jesus. The trial, execution and Resurrection.

Thursday. 4/2
Quiz #3.

Week 11. Other New Testament Works.
Tuesday. 4/7
The Acts of the Apostles and the conversion of Paul.

Thursday. 4/9
Thinking About Easter.

Easter Vacation Friday April 10th to Monday April 13th

Week 12. The Church in the Roman Empire.
Tuesday. 4/14
The Gospel of John.

Thursday. 4/16
Video: Testament #11, Early Christianity. Discussion.

Week 13. Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles.
Tuesday. 4/21
Paul the Apostle to the Gentiles. Themes in the letters of Paul.

Thursday. 4/23
Video: Testament #12, Rise of the Church. Discussion.

 Second paper due, Thursday April 23rd.

Week 14. The General Epistles and the Apocalypse of John.
Tuesday. 4/28
The General Epistles.
Discussion of papers and of the final exam.

Thursday. 4/30
Quiz #4.

Week 15.
Tuesday. 5/5
The Apocalypse or Revelation of John.
Student Assessments of the course.

Reading Day, Thursday May 7th. Final period May 8th through 12th, Friday through Tuesday. Term ends Tuesday, May 12th.
