Graduate Programs Teaching Initiative

Graduate Programs Teaching Initiative

Leadership Team
Eugene Gallagher, Connecticut College
Willie Jennings, Duke Divinity School
Patricia Killen, Gonzaga University
Joretta Marshall, Brite Divinity School
Robert Pazmiño, Andover Newton Theological School
Frank Yamada, McCormick Seminary

Purpose: To enable doctoral programs in theology and religion to assess their preparation of Ph.D. and Th.D. students for teaching appointments. The assessment involved conversations with recent alumni/ae to explore the alignment between the preparation they received and the context in which they are currently teaching.

Description: 33 graduate programs were awarded $15,000 grants to host Teaching Initiative Gatherings at their school or at a site in close proximity. These gatherings involved 8-10 recent alumni/ae (graduated in the last 5 years and in a teaching appointment), the Dean of the School, Graduate Program Director, and 2-3 key faculty members. The Wabash Center provided each school with a consultant to help them design and lead the 2-day/1 night meeting and a Wabash Center staff person as an observer. The focus of the Teaching Initiative gathering was to explore questions of teaching preparedness with alumni/ae and key parties at the school.

2015-16 Schools
Claremont School of Theology
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
University of Virginia

2013-14 Schools
Duke Divinity School
Duke University
Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary
Hebrew Union College
Indiana University – Bloomington
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
University of Chicago Divinity School
University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill
University of Ottawa

Summative Conference for 2013-14 schools 
March 23-25, 2014 Indianapolis, IN

2012 Schools:
Boston College
Brown University
The Catholic University of America
Drew University Theological School
New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary

Summative Conference for 2012 schools 
November 2-4, 2012 at the Wabash Center

2011 Schools:
Baylor University
Boston University School of Theology
Candler School of Theology
Dallas Theological Seminary
University of Denver/Iliff School of Theology Joint Program
Graduate Theological Union
Jewish Theological Seminary of America
Loyola University Chicago
Marquette University
McGill University
McMaster University
Princeton Theological Seminary
Southern Methodist University
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Syracuse University
University of Notre Dame

Summative Conference for 2011 schools
April 23-25, 2012 at IUPUI Conference Place Hotel (Indianapolis)

Wabash Center