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Theologia: The Fragmentation and Unity of Theological Education

Farley, Edward
Fortress Press, Minneapolis, MN
BV4020.F35 1983
Topics: Theological Education

Additional Info:
Farley points to a series of developments in theological education which have led to the loss of a defining theological vision. Theology used to be, and still ought to be "not just objective science, but a personal knowledge of God and the things of God." (From the Publisher)

Table Of Content:

Part 1 - The displacement of Theologia
ch. 1 Theologia - the History of a Concept From 'the study of theology' to theological encyclopedia
ch. 2 Schleiermacher and the beginning of the encyclopedic movement
ch. 3 The triumph of the fourfold pattern

Part 2 - Issues and elements for a reform-oriented conversation
ch. 4 A critique of the fourfold pattern
ch. 5 The recovery of Theologia
ch. 6 Theologia in clergy education
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