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Are We Living in a Bonhoeffer Moment? Reading Bible While Thinking Theologically and Ethically

Awarded Grant
Parker, Angela
The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology
Theological School

Learning Abstract :
I have learned a multitude of practices regarding teaching and learning. Ultimately, I realized that I must continue to grow my pedagogical skills if I want to have transforming effects on my students. I must push my students to synthesize their experiences. While I had them reflect on their site visits, I did not encourage them to write on their site visits. I think that the pedagogical purpose of writing on the site visits in conjunction with reading biblical text may have showed students how they can begin to create biblical scholarship in the place of their calling. Write about site visits while reading biblical text may also encourage students to wrestle with the idea of multiplicity within biblical interpretation. They were learning that in the context of Reading Practices, New Testament Survey, and Postcolonial Theory and Biblical Hermeneutics but I did not provide an opportunity to synthesize that thought.
Wabash Center