Teaching Tactics

One Page Descriptions of a Successful Teaching Strategy

Several Teaching Tactics are published in each issue of the journal and are made available for free download without subscription.

In 1 page (400 words):

  • State succinctly the context within which you used the strategy including: characteristics of your students, the institution and the course, when in the semester you use this tactic, and how long it takes.
  • State the pedagogical purpose of the strategy
  • Provide a description of  the strategy itself in brief, clear language
  • State why and how the strategy was effective – i.e., (how it supports student learning, including some analysis to generalize the principles at work, in order to make the particular strategy transferable to different contexts and subject matter).

Mary T. Stimming, Managing Editor
The Journal On Teaching
Associate Director, Wabash Center

Selected Teaching Tactics on Specific Topics:


Wabash Center