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Special Issue on Teaching and Learning Strategies for Religious Leadership Formation

DeConcini, Barbara; Premawardhana, Shanta; Al-Islam, Amir; Bagli, Jehan; Lefebure, Leo D.; Désir, Dowoti; Greenstein, David; Marangos, Frank; Kim, Bokin; Sarma, Deepak; Moshler, Lucinda Allen; Senauke, Hozan Alan; Singh, Harinder; Singh, Simran; Talvacchia, Kathleen T.
Teaching Theology and Religion 9, no. 2(2006): 69-145
Topics: Ministerial Formation

Additional Info:
A special issue of Teaching Theology & Religion on teaching and learning strategies for religious leadership formation.

Table Of Content:
1. Preparing Religious Leaders for Our Time (Shanta Premawardhana)
2. Educating American Muslim Leadership (Men and Women) for the Twenty‐First Century (Amir Al‐Islam)
3. Training for Priesthood in the Modern World: A Zarathushtrian Perspective (Jehan Bagli)
4. Catholic Theological Education in a Religiously Pluralistic Age (Leo D. Lefebure)
5. Vodou: A Sacred Multidimensional, Pluralistic Space (Dowoti Désir)
6. “To a Land that I Will Show You”: Training Rabbis for the Future (David Greenstein)
7. Catholicity and Context: The Cenotaphs of Orthodox Theological Education (Frank Marangos(
8. Training vs. Education in Forming Won Buddhist Kyomus in the USA (Bokin Kim)
9. Hindu Leaders in North America? (Deepak Sarma)
10. Models and Methods of Continuing Education for Christian Ministry in the Religiously Plural Context (Lucinda Allen Mosher)
11. A Long and Winding Road: Soto Zen Training in America (Hozan Alan Senauke)
12. Sikh Leadership: Established Ideals and Diasporic Reality (Harinder Singh, Simran Singh)
13. An Integrative Educational Strategy for Christian Leaders in a Multifaith World (Kathleen T. Talvacchia)
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