Preparatory Documents GPTI 1

Preparatory Documents
Graduate Program Teaching Initiative
Summative Conference

Preparatory Documents
Each program prepared two documents that were distributed electronically prior to the conference.

Document 1: Teaching Preparation in your Doctoral Program 
Prepare a brief summary of the teaching preparation aspects of your doctoral program so other institutions can have a good understanding of how it is structured, who is involved, and the various stages the doctoral students go through. This should involve things such as its place in the student’s program, how much teaching is involved, how the supervision is structured, whether there is a teaching colloquy or class, how the faculty are trained or oriented, etc.  This document should be no longer than 2 pages.

Document 2: Summary of Findings from Teaching Initiative Work
Prepare a brief summary of your findings from the work of the Teaching Initiative.  A refined version of no. 6 in the school’s final report can be used for this.  Again, this needs to give other institutions a good understanding of what was learned from the visiting alumni/ae as strengths and weaknesses of your program and what steps you have taken or are projecting taking to amend or improve your program.

The 2 documents submitted by each program have been combined into a single document.
Click on the school name to open and download the pdf from each of the participating programs.

 1. Baylor University Documents (pdf)

 2. Boston University School of Theology Documents (pdf)

 3. Dallas Theological Seminary Documents (pdf)

 4. DU/Iliff School of Theology (pdf)

 5. Emory University/Candler School of Theology (pdf)

 6. Graduate Theological Union (pdf)

 7. Jewish Theological Seminary (pdf)

 8. Loyola University Chicago (pdf)

 9. Marquette University (pdf)

10. McGill University (pdf)

11. McMaster University (pdf)

12. Princeton Theological Seminary (pdf)

13. Southern Methodist University (pdf)

14. Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (pdf)

15. Syracuse University (pdf)

16. University of Notre Dame (pdf)

      A single pdf of all above documents ( 63 pages)

The Summative Conference gathered representatives from 16 doctoral programs that received a grant in 2011 from the Wabash Center to meet with recently graduate doctoral students for structured feedback and conversation on their preparation by the doctoral program for their careers as teachers.

 More information on the Wabash Center’s Graduate Program Teaching Initiative (GPTI)


Wabash Center