Wabash Roundtable

2023 Wabash Round Table



Gathering Date

January 12th-15th, 2023
Emory University Conference Center
Atlanta Georgia


Nancy Lynne Westfield, Ph.D., Director
Sarah Farmer, Associate Director

Conversation Partners

Carolyn Medine, University of Georgia
Roger Nam, Candler School of Theology
Kenneth Ngwa, Drew Theological School
Joanne Rodriguez, Hispanic Theological Initiative
Tat-Siong Benny Liew, College of the Holy Cross
Seth Gaiters, University of North Carolina

Honorarium and Fellowship

Participants will receive an honorarium of $1500 for full participation in the Conversation. 


We will use this conversation to inform us as we make programming plans for the notion of solidarity. We ask that each person come to the meeting having written a case. Each case should be 2 to 3 pages. More specific directions will be sent to you. Along with the case study instructions, we will send: the meeting schedule, a description of the emerging initiative on solidarity, goals, and a full list of our preliminary questions.

Questions for the Gathering

In our conversation will be exploring such critical questions as:

  • What does it mean as BIPOC colleagues to be in relationship that is not dependent upon the white gaze?
  • What will it mean to shed, heal from, or dismiss the anti-black culture to which we have been indoctrinated.
  • What kinds of courages are needed for solidarity?
Wabash Center