Welcome to Wabash Center's Blog for Theological School Deans
This blog project is one outcome of the first Wabash Center's deans' colloquy. Through this blog the members of the colloquy hope to continue the rich conversations about the work of theological school deans. In addition, we hope to expand the voices of experience--from novice to veteran--who participate in this conversation.
Please join us!
Some of the blog entries will be reflections on the dialogue from the colloquy experience. Some will strive to continue to explore issues and concerns raised during the colloquy experience. Some submissions will reflect, critique, expand or expound on the material from the recently released book C(H)AOS Theory: Reflections of Chief Academic Officers in Theological Schools, Kathleen D. Billman and Bruce C. Birch, eds. (Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2011). Each blog entry will be an invitation to continue the rich conversation of the colloquy experience, so your response and thoughts are solicited. We want to hear from you!
Theological school deans hold a unique and challenging position in the field of higher education. The complexity of the work of the administrative scholar who leads from the center is incredibly complex. Few who have not held the position can appreciate fully the scope of that complexity. The press of the myriad of immediate demands leaves little room for the critical reflection that is crucial to thriving in the work. We hope this blog will provide a space to share insights and wisdom, explore deeper and nuanced issues of theological education, and contribute to the enrichment and development of the work of the chief academic officer in theological schools.