Stories from the Front

Wabash Center Blog: Stories from the Front (of the Classroom)

Posts from 2014 to 2016

This blog series features timely posts from invited authors through the course of a semester or academic year.

In the meantime, you can engage dozens of posts from the following authors

  • Nancy Lynne Westfield (Drew Theological School)
  • Claudio Carvalhaes (McCormick Theological Seminary)
  • Tat-Siong Benny Liew (College of the Holy Cross)
  • Molly Bassett (Georgia State University)
  • Derek Nelson (Wabash College)
  • Kate Blanchard (Alma College )
  • Eric D. Barreto (Princeton Seminary)
  • Roger S. Nam (Portland Seminary, George Fox University)

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At the heart of education, the most important “instrument” of our lives, the house we inhabit, is the very core of our selves: our bodies. Fully! It is in and through our bodies that we learn and are able to unlearn. The immense diversity of our bodies, their  shapes, formats, ...

If you spend much time in the Northwest of California, especially if you are someone who likes to hike, alongside trail maps at visitor centers you will see posters that instruct you how to handle the unlikely, but entirely possible, event that you might encounter a mountain lion.   Unless you ...

Michael Callahan, brilliant Drew Theological School student, said in his response to a previous blog post, “Silence grants its own power to the one who wields it.” I love this idea! We are crisply aware of the power of word(s), of the power of discussion, of the power of ...

It was my first semester teaching. I was anxious and fearful. I was trying to know what to do, while pretending I knew everything. In my second or third class, as I was saying something critical of the US in relationship to 9/11, one student raised his hand and said: “What ...

Five years ago, Yale law professor Amy Chua published a controversial book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. According to Chua, there is a basic difference in parenting practices between those of Asian (particularly Chinese) cultural heritage and those of North American white cultures. The former, by assuming strength and ...

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